Lawn Care

Achieve a Lush, Healthy Lawn with Expert Lawn Care Services in Jarrell, Texas

A vibrant green lawn is the cornerstone of a beautiful landscape. However, maintaining a healthy lawn requires consistent care and knowledge of local conditions. At Landscape Designs and Lawn Care, we offer lawn care services in Jarrell, Texas, taking the guesswork out of lawn maintenance and ensuring a flourishing green space all year round. Our lawn care programs go beyond basic mowing. We offer various services designed to address the specific needs of your lawn, considering factors like soil composition, grass type, and seasonal changes. Our equipment is of the highest quality, and therefore, you can rest assured your lawn will be taken well care of.

More Than Just Mowing: Our Tailored Lawn Care Programs

Regular Mowing

Mowing isn't just about keeping your grass short. Our experienced technicians mow your lawn at the optimal height for your specific grass type, typically between 2.5 and 3.5 inches for warm-season grasses common in Jarrell. It promotes healthy growth by encouraging tillering, which is the development of new shoots at the base of the plant. We use well-maintained equipment that delivers a clean and even cut, enhancing the overall appearance of your lawn.

Edging and Trimming

Edging and trimming are the finishing touches that elevate your lawn's appearance. Our technicians edge your walkways, driveways, and flowerbeds. It creates a crisp line of separation between your lawn and hardscapes, adding a polished and finished look to your entire landscape.


Over time, soil can become compacted due to foot traffic, mowing equipment, or heavy clay content. Compacted soil restricts air and water circulation to the grassroots, hindering their ability to absorb nutrients and thrive. Our core aeration services involve regularly taking small plugs of soil out of your lawn. This alleviates compaction, allowing air and water to reach the roots more effectively, promoting healthy growth and a thicker, greener lawn.


Like us, your lawn needs essential nutrients to grow strong and healthy. We use professional-grade, slow-release fertilizers that provide your lawn with a balanced blend of nutrients over time. It ensures steady growth and vibrant green color throughout the season without the risk of burning that can occur with quick-release fertilizers.

Weed Control

Weeds compete with your grass for water, nutrients, and sunlight. Our targeted weed control solutions eliminate unwanted plants, preventing them from stealing vital resources from your lawn. We use various methods depending on the specific types of weeds present, ensuring effective control without harming your desired grass.

Perimeter Pest Control

Grubs, insects, and other pests can damage your lawn from below the surface. While not included in our basic lawn care program, we offer optional perimeter pest control services as an added layer of protection. Our technicians apply targeted treatments around the edges of your property to create a barrier against these harmful pests, safeguarding your lawn's health and beauty.

Signs You Need Professional Lawn Care

If you're noticing any of the following in your lawn, it's an excellent time to consider our professional lawn care services:

Patchy or uneven growth

Excessive weeds

Brown or discolored grass

Bare spots

Insect damage

Thatch buildup

Let Us Handle Your Lawn Care Needs

A well-maintained lawn enhances the beauty of your property and offers numerous benefits. A healthy lawn improves air quality, reduces erosion, and increases property value.

At Landscape Designs and Lawn Care, we understand the importance of a healthy lawn. Our experienced technicians are equipped with the knowledge and tools to keep your Jarrell, Texas, lawn looking its best year-round. Contact us today for a free quote, and let us create a customized lawn care program that fits your needs and budget.

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